The Control Panel on Hottop roasters is an electronic device with switches on board which live in a harsh environment. Heat, airbourne oils, micro particulate matter and heat and cooling cycles all combine to give the momentary switches on the panel a rough life even through they are protected. If you have a control panel that seems to not respond properly to button presses read this:
SInce 1956 Caig Laboratories has been making specialty products for electrical connections of all sorts. The product which has proven to be nearly a 100% successful solution to unresponsive control panels is a product called "DeoxIT-D." It has proven perfect for use on the Hottop control panel as well as other areas in the roaster.
DeoxIT comes in various types and sizes, but the part #DN5S-2N (seen above) works fine and the sprayer has an adjustable flow rate. It comes with a spray straw so it is easy to control the flow as well as the location of application. Deoxit cleans electrical contacts like switches, plugs and sockets. Basically, use it anywhere two metal parts that conduct electricity come together. It is non-flammable and safe for plastics. Just keep it from getting onto or into the display components on the control panel.
Remove the control panel from the side of the roaster and unscrew the face of the control panel, held by Phillips head screws on the back. It makes it easier to access the switches. Just use care with the display panel and work in a clean, well lit area. Some painters tape carefully applied along the edge of the display, careful aiming of the nozzle away from the display, and the use of "gravity" to keep the flow of the cleaner moving away from the display should be sufficient.
Treat the little COB (component on board) switches on the control panel as well as the main connector you have already removed. Basically, spray, click the switch a few times, then spray again, then carefully and gently dab or wipe with a lint-free cloth. and repeat on each switch. Do the same for the large cable connector. I tried it on the rotary controls of an older "B-2K+" but it removed most of the friction from the rotary controls so I do not recommend that except as a last resort.
I have personally been using DeoxIT-D for years on things like computer components including the main computer connector on my car and on 'scratchy' controls on old amplifiers, and even the switches in my electronic "key" fob for my wife's car. It really works!
On the Caig website they have a List of Distributors (resellers) where it is available. If your panel is problematic give it a try. Or even if it is working, it works as an effective preventative measure!