A Hottop coffee roaster is an appliance of a somewhat different nature. Few other "cooking" tools deal with such dry foods at such a high temperature. By the end of a roast, coffee beans have been roasting in the Hottop for up to around 12 or 14 minutes and can reach a displayed temperature of over 400F. degrees. They are very dry at that point and contain natural oils. During roasting the beans also shed chaff - a thin, papery outer layer which will readily burn if ignited. Other fine particulate matter is also produced.
By its own nature, roasting coffee beans can present a potential for ignition like many other food-preparation methods (such as your oven out outdoor grill). Sometimes chaff which gathers in the chaff tray can ignite. In a properly maintained Hottop roaster this does not present a serious problem because the entire roast chamber is made of metal. But a roaster which is not operated with due diligence and attention or one which is not properly maintained can be damaged, even beyond repair.
Hottop coffee roasters have numerous safety features designed in to prevent problems:
- The metal chaff tray activates a switch that reminds users to empty the tray after every roast. Forget? The roaster will not restart for the next roast unless the tray is removed from the roaster for emptying.
- The roaster has several programmed safety points during the roast that require the user to press a button to continue or the beans will be ejected from the machine even if they are not fully roasted.
- A maximum allowed temperature is programmed into the control panel
- In the event of an overheat situation there is a sacrificial fusible link which shuts off the heating element
- In the case of some system failures, pulling the "Emergency Eject Knob" will eject the beans from the roaster and start the cooling cycle
The owner's manual has numerous tips and warnings about safe usage. The most important one is:
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Along with other warnings, the above warning is not only found throughout the owner's manual but is also printed right on the roaster itself, right over the control panel. And, yes, "Never Leave" is exactly what it means. You should remain right there, paying attention to all factors of the roast: smoke aroma, smoke volume, the color of the beans, the sounds the beans make as they roast, sounds the roaster makes, and the data on the control panel.
Beyond this, maintaining the roaster is a critical part of maintaining a safety level as well as extending the life of the roaster. On the Hottop Americas website we have an article entitled User Maintenance of Hottop Coffee Roasters. It covers all the most important aspects of cleaning and maintenance. While the roaster pictured in the videos is an older model, the information remains essentially the same for our newer roasters. Additionally, there is a section of your owners manual which covers maintenance as well. Lost your manual? It is available in PDF format and can be downloaded right from the Hottop Americas website.
And, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at support@hottopamericas.com. We would be happy to assist you.