Fusible Link Update
by Randy G. - Hottop Customer Support
How old is your Hottop Coffee Roaster? If you have an early model such as one of these:
KN-8828 KN-8828D KN-8828B KN-8828P
You should take a look inside the roaster:
- Unplug the roaster from the outlet
- Remove the Rear Fan.
- Remove the Rear Cover.
- Take a look at the Main Circuit Board in the bottom 'compartment' of the roaster
If your roaster has the two white wires shown connected in the indicated position, you have the “old style' fusible link. (NOTE: there have been three different main circuit boards. Your two white wires may be in a different position. Position does not matter except that you will see two red wires and to the left of those two white wires). A number of years ago this was updated to a different system which adds a new level of safety. We recommend replacing this old style link with the UPDATED DESIGN FUSIBLE LINK. And here are the detailed step-by-step installation instructions.
As always, if you have further questions, contact us at support@hottopamericas.com