Hottop Model Identification
Modified on: Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 5:49 PM
Hottop Roaster Model Identification When ordering parts such as the control panel, eject mechanism, the temperature sensor, main circuit board, and more, it is important to know exactly which model you have. On the control panel and on the bottom of the roaster you will find a model designation such as, "KN-8828B" or similar.
DO NOT USE THESE TO IDENTIFY YOUR ROASTER! Ignore the model number on the control panel
|  Ignore the model number on the bottom label
HOW TO IDENTIFY YOUR ROASTER All Hottop Coffee Roaster model designations can be broken down into four specific positions in the model number. The color codes here coincide with the rest of this page (ie. yellow will always designate "Position 2" on this page): Position 1 | Position 2 | Position 3 | Position 4 | Base Model | Control Panel | Safety Eject | Thermocouple |
Pick the correct option from the four Position choices below to verify your model:
POSITION 1For all our coffee roaster models, the basic designation begins with KN-8828. |
POSITION 2 - Control Panel Original model has no further designation. KN-8828 |  This is a "D" control panel KN-8828D |  This is a "B" control panel KN-8828B |  This is a "P" control panel KN-8828P |  This is a "B" control panel for the KN-8828B-2K+ |
POSITION 3 - Emergency Manual Eject Knob | If your machine has this knob located under the main fan on the back of the machine then it will have a "-2" in the model designation. If it does NOT have the knob, then there is no numeral in that location. |
POSITION 4 - Temperature SensorRemove the front cover from the machine and look into the roast chamber. On the rear wall you will see one of these three thermocouple placements seen here: Models with this flat "button" temperature sensor DO NOT have the "K" designation in the model name |  Models with the above K-style thermocouple DO HAVE the "K" designation in the model name |  Models with the dual K-style thermocouples have the "K+" designation in the model name |
Put it all togetherPOSITION 1 | POSITION 2 | POSITION 3 | POSITION 4 | All models of Hottop Coffee Roasters start with the base model number
KN-8828 | Control panel adds one of the following: no designation or D or B or P | No knob = no numeral
Models with knob add "-2" | Button sensor = no letter
Models with one K thermocouple add "K"
Models with two K thermocouples add "K+" |
List of All Possible Factory Models to Date:KN-8828 KN-8828 D KN-8828 B KN-8828 P KN-8828 B-2 KN-8828 P-2 KN8828 B-2K KN-8828 P-2K KN-8828 B-2K+NOTE: "Customized" models which have been partially updated by customers could create roasters such as the KN-8828-2, an original model updated with emergency manual eject, or KN-8828B-K, a machine updated to "K" functionality, or dual thermocouples, a KN-8828B-K+, but the emergency manual eject option was not installed. These are not actual factory models. All factory models are listed above this paragraph.
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